Absolute proof of God, the written Word. Some say, how is that proof?  Because the future is predicted in writing; not once, not twice, but over 100 times with 100% accuracy.

Interpret this for yourself.. see if you even can. Question: What is the meaning of Psalms 22:16?

Is your answer, Jesus crucified, crucifixion, or something similar?  Here’s the catch, that was written over 600 years before Christ.  Here is another catch, Psalms 22:16 was written over 300 years before crucifixion was invented.  Romans start crucifying around 300 years before Christ. This type of future prediction happens over 100 times in the bible with 100% accuracy. 


  • The New Testament records prophecy you can SEE.  Jesus said not one stone would be left upon another, in Matthew 24:2; He was speaking of the temple.  Jesus was said to of died around 33AD.  The temple was destroyed within 40 years, where are the stones today?  Answer: ALL STONES THROWN DOWN, off the backside of a cliff, NOT ONE STONE LEFT UPON ANOTHER.

Scripture prophecy is a sure thing, because it is in writing; the same way everything that needs documented proof is done unto this very hour…

Important things in writing… birth certificates, marriage agreements, real estate contracts, business plans, and the one thing that can be passed on after death to accurately give instruction in this life, a written “Last Will & Testament”.  The scripture has this same effect, “it is written”, study for yourself, the message is delivered to you.

2 Peter 1:19

Prophecy came from God, not men.  The message was written by God through men… because men cannot predict the future with 100% accuracy.

2 Peter 1:21 – Reference 2 corinthians 3:3

There is a reason you should start searching the scripture… you can know for yourself, it is all true.


How to Study Scripture
  • It all starts by knowing Christ through the power of the Gospel.  If the Spirit of Christ does not live inside, you do not belong to Him.  If you need to know Christ, read the eternal Gospel and call upon Him for salvation from your heart.
  • If you know Christ, get in touch for help with a study plan or Start with John, Acts, and Romans in the New Testament, you can watch, listen, and read on this site.  Take lots of notes, compare similar and opposing verses, study topics, read line for line, study specific words, look into the Hebrew & Greek, use a highlighter, use bookmarks and ribbons, have a pencil to underline, circle important verses, start early in the day, carry a pocket bible, down a bible app, fall in love with Gods Word and replace your thoughts with New Testament instructions to have the mind of Christ.

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